5. Configuration

comic-get stores its configuration and rulefiles in $HOME/.comic-get.

Configuration file is called config and for time being it can contain exactly two keywords, source and target. All keywords and their values follow the format "key = value". Whitespaces are optional and ignored.

5.1. source

source defines URI of repository to use. At the moment this can only be HTTP URL. More than one source can be defined.


source = http://wnd.iki.fi/comic-get
source = http://comic-get.org/
Notice that http://comic-get.org/ does not exist.

5.2. target

This is the place where comic strips are downloaded to. It should be an absolute path on filesystem.


target = /home/wnd/comics

5.3. repository-pool

Defines URI of master repository pool to be used with command masterpool. Master repository pool lists known (read: reported) comic-get repositories. In normal operation user should not need to set this.