6. Usage

6.1. Searching for comics

6.1.1. Searching

comic-get allows user to search comics by their name, description, and any other given information such as name of the author if this information is filled in. Syntax for searching is comic-get search keyword.


% comic-get search IT
user-friendly (en_GB) - User Friendly

6.1.2. Showing package details

Once you've found one or more hit with your search details with comic-get search, you may want to look into package details. This is done with mantra comic-get show package.


% comic-get show user-friendly
Package: user-friendly
Version: 2
Compatibility: 2
Section: office
Maintainer: Tommi Saviranta <wnd@iki.fi>
Language: en_GB
Author: JD Illiad Frazer
Source: http://www.userfriendly.org/
Description: User Friendly
 IT-professionals at work

6.2. Installing comics

To install a package, command comic-get install package can be issued. If the comic is available in more than one language, language can be specified by appending =language after the package name such as dilbert=en_GB. Languages are listed with search and show.

If package is available from multiple repositories or in multiple languages, but language was not specified, list of possible candidates is printed, and user is asked to choose one.


% comic-get install dilbert
% ./comic-get.pl install dilbert
More than one candidate for dilbert:
  0: en_GB using wnd.iki.fi/comic-get
  1: en_US using wnd.iki.fi/comic-get
Which one should I install? Press enter to cancel.
 : 0
Installing dilbert (en_GB)...
Get:1 http://www.unitedmedia.com/ Dilbert [32.4 KiB]  
Get:1 http://www.unitedmedia.com/ Dilbert [15.3 KiB]  
Get:1 http://www.unitedmedia.com/ Dilbert [15.3 KiB] dilbert.png  
Fetched 49.1 KiB in 8 seconds (6.1 KiB/s, 3 files)

Sometimes packages write comics in files that have conflicting filenames. When this happens, comic-get prompts you to enter another filename or cancel installation.


% comic-get install dilbert=en_US
Installing dilbert (en_US)...
File dilbert.png already installed by dilbert (en_GB)
If you would like to install the package anyway enter new filename here.
If you want to cancel, just press enter.
 : foo.png
Get:1 http://members.comics.com/ Dilbert [20.0 KiB]  
Get:1 http://members.comics.com/ Dilbert [15.3 KiB]  
Get:1 http://members.comics.com/ Dilbert [15.3 KiB] foo.png  
Fetched 36.6 KiB in 5 seconds (7.3 KiB/s, 3 files)

6.3. Uninstalling comics

If you no longer want upgrade or refresh some of the comics, you can uninstall package with comic-get remove package. Like with install, language can be specified by using =lang after the package name. Also, if more than one package matched given package name, a list will be presented.


% comic-get remove dilbert   
More than one package matching dilbert installed:
  0: en_GB through wnd.iki.fi/comic-get
  1: en_US through wnd.iki.fi/comic-get
Which one should I remove? Empty line cancels.
 : 1
dilbert (en_US) removed.

6.4. Refreshing comics

Installing a package will only download ruleset to download comics and fetch the latest comic strip. In order to keep your comics fresh and download the latest, comic-get upgrade can be used. This command will try to download the latest comics of installed packages.


% comic-get upgrade       
Get:1 http://www.hs.fi/ Viivi ja Vagner [56.9 KiB]  
Get:1 http://www.hs.fi/ Viivi ja Vagner [49.6 KiB]  
Get:1 http://www.hs.fi/ Viivi ja Vagner [49.6 KiB] viivi_ja_wagner.png  
Get:2 http://story.news.yahoo.com/ Garfield [25.6 KiB]  
Get:2 http://story.news.yahoo.com/ Garfield [26.6 KiB]  
Get:2 http://story.news.yahoo.com/ Garfield [26.6 KiB] garfield.png  
Get:3 http://www.unitedmedia.com/ Dilbert [32.4 KiB]  
Get:3 http://www.unitedmedia.com/ Dilbert [15.3 KiB]  
Get:3 http://www.unitedmedia.com/ Dilbert [15.3 KiB] dilbert.png  
Fetched 209.0 KiB in 8 seconds (26.1 KiB/s, 8 files)

6.5. Retrieving repository list

comic-get can retrieve a list of known repositories from official comic-get website by issuing comic-get masterpool. These servers can (probably) be used as repositories.