comic-get - your source of internet comics

Tommi Saviranta

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Requirements
3. Features
4. Installation
5. Configuration
5.1. source
5.2. target
5.3. repository-pool
6. Usage
6.1. Searching for comics
6.1.1. Searching
6.1.2. Showing package details
6.2. Installing comics
6.3. Uninstalling comics
6.4. Refreshing comics
6.5. Retrieving repository list
7. Setting up your own repository
7.1. Basic files
7.1.1. identifier
7.1.2. Packages
7.1.3. md5sums
7.1.4. rules.md5sums
7.2. Rulefiles
7.2.1. Rulefile commands
7.2.2. Package metadata
8. Improvements and errors
9. Future plans
10. Contact

1. Introduction

comic-get is a script in spirit of all-famous apt-get, the ultimate packet manager for Debian. comic-get allows downloading comic strips from internet with minimal fuzz. While you can write your own rules to get comics, comic-get also supports "repositories" (or rule databases) just like apt-get. This means you can also use rule sets created by others!