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Using separate RSA-key with OpenSSH for unattended backups

17 Nov 2008 10:25:20 FFR

Using passphraseless SSH keys for unattended tasks and limiting their use to a particular job.

What an ignorant slob I’ve been. I’ve used RSA/DSA keys for passwordless logins with SSH for ages, but I could never figure out a way to use the method for backups. Creating a key without a passkey sounded like a bad idea because what good would the one with a passkey then do? As result, I always had to manually run the backup script. Today, finally, I came across the solution.

When I upgraded my home server earlier this year I also set up a RAID-1 array as a backup disk. The other hosts on my intranet could finally make remote backups to centralised place instead of using each others’ disks. At first I used rsync to backup the files. While this method worked just fine it did have a couple of limitations. First of all the backup didn’t necessarily match the backup source. A file removed locally was never deleted from the backup. Secondly and more importantly, using rsync for backups didn’t protect from infamous SUE, aka. stupid user error. For example if I overwrite an important file and then run the backup script, there was no way to recover the file. I soon started looking for an alternative method.

I browsed through many of the backup related packages in Debian repository. Some couldn’t deal with backups over networks and many couldn’t create incremental backups. Some simply looked like I’d rather not touch them. There was one particular package, rdiff-backup, which looked promising but which would require the same version running at both ends. You can only guess what that meant with the server running Debian stable and the others running more-or-less up-to-date Debian unstable.

After a few months there was an article about rdiff-backup on Debian Package of the Day. After reading the article I was sold – regardless of the version incompatibility this was the tool I wanted to use. Luckily enough it was trivial to recompile the version on stable for unstable. I switched to rdiff-backup the very same day and didn’t look back. Still, I would be running the backups manually once a day.

When I started the backup script this morning I started to wonder if there really was an easier way. A quick search with Google revealed a configuration option for OpenSSH previously unknown to me: command="foo". This little option for .ssh/authorized_keys defines what command is used instead of given command when the key is used for authentication. This combined with separate passkeyless RSA key and an entry in .ssh/config makes it unbearably easy to use rdiff-backup for unattended backups without allowing the key to be used for anything else. To further limit misuse of the key, rdiff-backup can be restricted to given path with --restrict option.

To summarise.

# ~/.ssh/authorized_keys:

command="rdiff-backup --server --restrict /raid/wnd",from="kikai.katei.fi", no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1[...] wnd-backup@kikai
# ~/.ssh/config:

Host chikan-backup
        Hostname        chikan
        IdentityFile    ~/.ssh/backup.id_rsa
# rdiff-backup

% rdiff-backup /home/wnd chikan-backup::/raid/wnd