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Trickle, userspace bandwidth shaper

10 Jul 2007 10:11:09 software

Do you need to shape network traffic per application? Meet Trickle, a general purpose userspace bandwidth shaper.

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Sopcast - Free P2P Internet TV

1 Jul 2007 10:46:00 software

Now how did I manage to miss SopCast? Internet telephone and video have been around for ages, as has peer-to-peer voice communications. I’ve heard of P2P video (or television) projects (e.g. Joost and the one from Piratebay), but nothing concrete until now. Apparently Sopcast isn’t exactly new – it appears in my IRC-logs in March, 2007. Anyway, good to know such thing exists. Maybe I get to release my fancy Sopcast channel guide (with command line, ncurses, and GTK UI) released one of these days. :-)

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